This term has gone really quick and Room 3 have been very busy.
If you have not already heard the news, Room 3 raised over $3,000 and were $15 behind Room 14, who raised the most money. Altogether Tawa Intermediate raised just over $30,000 which is a new record! Also, congratulations to Finlay Hamilton-Nolan, who is in Room 3, for raising the most money out of the whole school. Finlay managed to raise $350 all by himself.
Room 14 were very considerate and came into Room 3 and gave everyone a bit of chocolate and congratulated us on nearly beating them and raising over $3,000. Any class who raises the most money receives a $200 prize that they can spend on anything they want, and Room 14 gave us $100 and invited us to a game of dodgeball in the hall during the whole of lunchtime which was very generous.
The outside activities first involve getting into partners.
Activity 1#
Stand opposing each other on the courts outside the hall, have a cone in the middle of the court and stand on the outside of the court. Then try and hit the cone with the ball, whether it be a netball or a cannonball. This improves accuracy for when you play dodgeball, even though the cone isn't moving. The record used to be Sione with 7 in a row but now it is Ms Marlow with an amazing 9 in a row!
Activity 2#
This activity takes place on the avalon courts outside Pouakai syndicate. Your partner lines up on the wall outside the toilets while the other partner stands at the other end of the court. The partner on the wall has to try and dodge the balls that are being thrown at him/her.
Activity 3#
This activity is just catching. Because catching is the #1 rule in dodgeball because it not only gets them out, it also gets one of your teammates in.
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