Monday, April 18, 2011

2D and 3D shapes

For Maths we have been working on 2D and 3D shapes. We have made 3D Castles in our desk groups but we have made our own version of theme parks in other groups. Here are some of the work we have done:

This is Amy, Mariel, Hannah and Livvy's theme park and castle.

This is Shayna, Alyssa, Bri, Glenn Joy, Tracey and Ofa's theme park. This is Charlie, Finlay, Flynn, Jozef, Toshiki, Josh and Connor's group work.
This is Georgia T, Nathan, Brandon, Georgia KJ, Sonny and Sarah's group theme park.

By Mariel and Amy :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Show Don't Tell

The barking and whining of that little cute thing wakes me up in the mornings. Licking me, eating food, drinking and sleeping is all this young pet does 24/7. Creaking the floor boards with all four paws, then running outside to find his hard crunchy treat. The tap is running but I don't know why. It turns out that my little wonder in life wants to have a bath. I hope that he doesn't flood the house. By Brianne!!!